Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Corvis scouts

Now the heroes confronted father Dumas regarding his nephew which he readily told them he had met some days ago. He told them of the legend of the legion of the lost souls.

In short there fell 5000 good men worthy of Morrow and according to legend Morrow spoke to those who survived that they would fight again for the good of Morrow!

Alexia proposed to bring them back to fight the Skorn army which is heading towards Corvis. This imposed a puzzle to the heroes as wether it was morally right or not....

After the talks with Father Dumas they decided that they needed more info. It so happened that Captain Holstrom contacted the heroes to introduce them to some new players in Corvis from neighboring states. In short the heroes were asked to scout on the invading army and confirm that they are really there......

So the heroes set upon the trip with a trained ranger to find them.. To their surpsrise they found the encampment not far away from Corvis with some 1000 Scorn and 30 warbeasts or more.. . Their scout was killed in an ambush and the heroes were attacked shortly after. The attack posed no threat for the stallwarthy heroes and they disposed of the attackers only to learn that much likeley this was a scouting part of the army...... and that the Scorn did not plan to just take over Corvis but to slaughter it, men women and children....

With theese news the heroes hurried back to Corvis ........

1 comment:

Draconiscz said...

Just for your info Alex, the good captain's name is Helstrom :D.